Birthday Party 5: Malzy and Mira (English)

 Birthday Party 5
Malzy and Mira

    Last year I've introduced two characters from the Wings of Fire Universe, that is Narrator and Phantom. This year we're going back to the Monster Hunter universe. They are Malzy (Malzeno) and Mira! (Fatalis/Miraboreas). The background for this art is now outdoor whereas before is indoor (Well, it's my room). To be precise, the outdoor is actually my neighbor's garden πŸ˜‚. The field is kind of spacious, enough for a dragon to walk around there. Also don't forget below here there's an update about anything that I'm currently working on. To be honest, i have so many art and animation that I've postponed because it takes a long time to finish 🀣.

Birthday Wishes

    A birthday realistically speaking means I'm actually one age closer to my end. Even so it doesn't mean I have to think about it all day. I remember reading from somewhere or some post, maybe even from my friend that if you keep thinking about bad things continuously the effects is that it will interfere with your daily activities. That also serves me as a reminder that I'm getting older and must pray more to improve my faith, in my opinion this kind of days is still worth celebrating because we're still given the chance to be alive in this kind of world. You can still communicate with friends, play games, eat delicious food, and anything that can be done while we're still alive. The celebration doesn't have to be too fancy, just thought itself is already enough, even better when you are self rewarding yourself with a glass of milk haha. (Sorry this starts of real serious ehehe πŸ˜…)

    Also, thank you to everyone for saying your congratulations for me. For real, Thank you so much that you all remember my birthday. Again, those wishes itself is already making me happy. Because if you look below your status and compare yourself, there might be someone that doesn't receive such congratulations at all even by their friend or the one they are closest with. So whatever small it is, it already means a lot to me. So thank you, for playing a role in my life. Without you all, this story might've gone to a different path. I pray for everyone's Health, ease on the journey, and wealth.

Character on the art

    I created a character Malzy because I was so amazed with their design when I was playing Monster Hunter Rise: Sunbreak and was thinking it would be cool to befriend one πŸ˜‚. As for Mira i created him as a way to soothe myself when I was feeling down at that time. Mira is a living statue and the very first character that is made out of rocks. It is small and can stand on an adult human shoulder. It also can transform big form at will. Malzy had a castle that still looks good and untouched from the outside. The castle is not that big, but big enough to hold a party for some dragon.

Project Progress Update

    A few month ago, When I was still playing Pokemon Unite there's an event called Dragon Carnival. That event only allows Dragon-type Pokemon to participate. And the prize is 1 of 5 holowear where one of them is Garchomp's Holowear! I really... REALLY like that color that it even makes me excited to wear one and even gave the pokemon on that game a name ahahaha. The garchomp with that holowear I named him Garmon.

    I was so obsessed with Garmon and the holowear, that I have an idea to make an animation of Trailblazer from Honkai Star Rail ultimate moves using Garmon as the Trailblazer himself and the other one uses me as a trainer 🀣. Even though I do not play the game, I'm keeping up to date with it because their animation is so reference worthy, like it's so cool ⭐. I've made a rough movement and also accounting the extra frame, but the end result requires me to draw as much as 198 frame which means it will take a long time to finish. And also because at that time i was busy with my college, I have to postponed and work with other project that might not need to much time.

    Last august, IAC (Indonesia Animator Community) Host a collaboration to celebrate Indonesia Independence day. The collaboration is about being a supporter or a convoy to support and cheer the flag carrier that is in the frame. At that time, I was thinking on participating using a Dragon on my entry. After a bit negotiation with the host, I have finally got the permission to do so. And because the collaboration is about Indonesia Independence day, I've designed a new dragon that gives of the local feelings that's like representing the Indonesian itself, I've made Ryvka. After the event was done, now I'm obsessed with Ryvka. Because.... She's a dragon, and big... and my first original dragon!!!! Huhuhu.... I was so... so proud of my own work that I even create a profile picture where I gave her a flower crown πŸ˜‚

    Back to the topic, that Collab animation was a project that I've worked on after postponing the Garchomp animation from before. But still, I can't stop thinking of Ryvka. I even gave thought of making a small comic about me negotiating Ryvka to attend the "event". This comic features Xeno and Mira. If this comic released, this will be my first time telling my own personal story to the public audience. I can't wait for you all to see their personality and their appearance in each panel xd. The quality of it is... not manga like, but I'm still trying anyway and also wanted to tell the story that I wanted to share

I still cannot stop thinking about Ryvka, It's as if she have become like my symbol for the independence day πŸ˜‚

    Lastly, the comic is also put on hold after 1 page as I was busy again with my college, this time i was pushing through the finals and I was nearing the deadline. So, I reduce the time to work on drawing and animation. I also have another idea to make a profile picture animation of Erasmus (Dragalia Lost) on my spare time. I love this dragon when the game is still on. Because he's fire element, blue colored, and also looking COOL hehe. I remember back then I've also make an animation with the same purpose. But looking at it again, I cannot see it anymore because it was too cringe now ahaha. This time I've made the animation pacing a bit slower and only for breathing loop only. Unlike back then, other than normal breath he also look to the left side of the screen to look around. This new one is a bit slower while also keeping the smoothness still. I've got roughly 70 frame, and... not finished yet ehehe. I'm still working on it, although on the side I'm also trying to finish some game stories first so that when the game ends and I don't have anything to do anymore, I can use the time to work on it. Right now I'm only drawing for 1 hour a day.

    Last one (Promise) is just a discourse though. Was planning to make a compilation video on a few old games that I've played. This compilation video will use short animated intro that will transition to the main video. I got this kind of mood when I was hearing this music and it makes me feel somewhat nostalgic. From there I've started to think about finding those game that I've played. Some are gone, others only change their name. And also there one that are still alive, but the official site is gone. And also to make the video less boring, I thought of animating the intro on my own featuring a few character of mine. The story is like I fell asleep when rendering a video, then one of my dragon friends come to me and put me on the blanket and take a little peek on the render.

Other stuff

    I started to use my pentab more often for animation and drawing. But for animation I think I can cut the work time of it. Because if I keep the quality up, it will take a lot of time to finish, the mood may have been long gone by then. So I've planned that when the character move fast, I can cheat for a bit by using a brush rather than lines. I started to look at object on my environment with the lighting and the shadows, still trying to fix the shading on my art. Thought it's still not good, but I'm sure soon enough will be great

    AaaaaaaAAAA i still can't stop thinking about Ryvka!. Even though I created her for one purpose only because I already have too much character, but because I was too proud of her, I keep holding onto her πŸ˜‚. And, yea i know her physique is more of a "Wyvern" rather than "Western" type of dragon. But I'm still thinking her status is like in an anime kind of stuff. Where a dragon held a dragon status that felt superior than other living being, as if some kind of divine being.

    Have you heard of a game called Ricochet Infinity?. This is one of the game that I've played back then. This game is kind of like a brick breaker where the player controls the ship/bumper at the bottom of the screen to bounce the ball up to make them destroy the objects. I always like this type of game as they had like a ball and you play them in a marble-y way. This is also one of the game that I want to record and be put on the compilation video. This game also can download level that other player has created through online means. At first I was sad because it can no longer connect to the internet. But I took the initiative to find out what's wrong and it turns out the official site has been shut down. So the community rank the new sites, I guess? and keep the level catalogue there. Oh yea, when you check the level catalogue there's even a new level that is created on 2024!!!!. This community is so cool haha, it never dies. But that's cool, if we talk about the graphics it's already good. I hope the game continue to lives on.

    And, have you heard of a game named Re-Volt? It's a game about RC cars where the race track is unusual, like in a museum, ships, supermarket, even garden, there's also some kind of toys land. (By unusual I mean unusual place to play with). The race is also not just a normal race, it's kind of like mario kart where there's power up. And the car's here have different type of engine, like electric and... gas? I don't know, but the engine sounds really different from the electric one though. Graphics... is good for that era, but the game still holds because of the unique theme. When I tried to find the game again it's nowhere to be founds. There's one site that redirect me to that game and the name of it changes to RVGL. This is because this version is a port from the original game with the use of open source tool. Because community works on this version too, the exclusive RC car from the console is also ported to PC. Honestly, it's my first time seeing that car, and so I was shocked that I even looked them up to find out that they're from console version 🀣. The Dreamcast version of this game is ALSO ported to PC!!!, and the race track from the concept art is REAL!!!!!!. It's also awesome that they added the online version to race with other players!. So far I've only tried the classic version to feel that nostalgic feeling where I've played this game before using a Phat Slug. This car is big and the wheels are exposed on the side, so it's easy to get tipped over by a smaller car in that case. But that doesn't matter because I LOVE how this car looks so I just roll with it. Back then i even download all kinds of Phat slug mods and recolor


    Thank you for reading my wish on my Birth Day, the Progress update, and my lecture πŸ˜†. Thank you also for reading this far. I really appreciate you all that have read because I know that reading takes some times. And one again, thanks for all the wishes and congratulation!!!


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