Furqoncoy's Introduction

A little nap might help.... *zzzzzzz Phew, finally i got the time to publish this post. So hey everyone 😀 Let me introduce myself. My name is Fatahillah Furqon Abdulaziz, i have a nickname of Furqoncoy and i live in Indonesia. Currently, i am 18 years old and a college student at University of Gunadarma. My hobby is Playing video games, watch movies, Animating, and Art. But most importantly i love Dragons. Why? because Dragons are awesome, they're big and they can fly, also they have claws and teeth which can be used to harm bad people haha. My Favorite music is from Gretchen Ratke or Music Mommy , i like almost all of her music 😁 (Go check her youtube channel. i like her song). My favorite book is Wings of Fire. And my favorite movie is Godzilla series, or anything that includes dragons, or giants like How To Train Your Dragons, and all the animated movie. It's just so cool to see an animation, like it has it's own characteristic. And i love to play games too, i ...